1) You have no control on what happens to your estate.
2) There may be disagreements on how your assets are divided. Sadly it is increasingly common for relatives to take court action amongst themselves splitting families apart.
3) Your family might become involved in unnecessary costs or delays amounting to tens of thousands.
4) You do not choose who looks after any young children.
5) If you were cohabiting without being married your partner will have no automatic right to any of your property. Worse still they could be evicted.
6) There may be insufficient money left to comfortably provide for your partner or spouse.
7) Your family home might need to be sold to distribute your estate unless you make the position clear. This could leave your spouse homeless.
8) There is a risk your estate may have to pay more tax unnecessarily – leaving less to distribute amongst the family.
9) You could find that your business partners are left without protection which could result in a forced sale of your business.
10) Making a Will is common sense and gives you Peace of Mind.