Let me burst this common mis-conception, Trusts are not just for the rich and famous!
They may be the reason their families have managed to hold on to their inherited money. However anybody can set up a Trust and it is good Estate Planning to do so, under the right circumstances.
A Trust can either be created during your life, or through your Will. They are a good method of making sure the ones you want to benefit from your estate, actually do so.
If you leave an estate larger than the Nil Rate Band (NRB), then that estate might be liable to Inheritance Tax (IHT). With the strategic use of Trusts any IHT liability can be reduced to the absolute minimum.
They are used to ‘manage’ any legacies left to beneficiaries under the age of 18, they can additionally be put in place to extend this protection to the age of 25 years old.
Effective Estate Planning makes sure the legacies you leave your loved ones (children, grand-children or even future great grand-children) actually reaches them.
If you have any questions about Trusts, please don’t hesitate to ask or even make an appointment for a visit and Andrews Wills & Estate Planning will be more than happy to discuss your situation in complete confidence.